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1 | Practical digital libraries overview / Edward A. Fox |
2 | Evaluating, using, and publishing eBooks / Gene Golovchinsky, Cathy Marshall, Elli Mylonas |
Morning: | Afternoon | ||
3 | Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries (Part 1) / Dagobert Soergel | 3 | Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries (Part 2) / Dagobert Soergel |
4 | How to build a digital library using open source software / Ian H. Witten | 5 | Hands-on workshop: Build your own digital library collections / Ian Witten, David Bainbridge |
6 | Building interoperable digital libraries: A practical guide to creating open archives / Hussein Suleman |
Title: | Practical digital libraries overview |
Presenter: | Edward A. Fox, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech |
Email: | |
Duration: | Full-day, Buck Mountain Room |
Level: | Introductory / intermediate |
Expected audience: | Medium (10-25) |
Description: The tutorial will start with an overview of definitions, foundations, scenarios and perspectives. It will cover a variety of issues, including search, retrieval and resource discovery; multimedia/hypermedia; metadata (e.g., Dublin Core); electronic publishing; document models and representations; SGML and XML; database approaches; agents and distributed processing; 2D and 3D interfaces and visualizations; metrics; architectures and interoperability; commerce; educational and social concerns; and intellectual property rights, among others.
Presenter's bio: Dr. Edward A. Fox holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Cornell University, and a B.S. from M.I.T. Since 1983 he has been at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI&SU, also called Virginia Tech), where he serves as Professor of Computer Science. He directs the Digital Library Research Laboratory, the Internet Technology Innovation Center at Virginia Tech, and varied R&D projects. He is general chair of the First ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. He is co-editor-in-chief of ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) and serves on the editorial boards of a number of journals. He has authored or co-authored many publications in the areas of digital libraries, information storage and retrieval, hypertext/hypermedia/multimedia, computational linguistics, CD-ROM and optical disc technology, electronic publishing, and expert systems.
Title: | Evaluating, using, and publishing eBooks |
Presenter: | Gene Golovchinsky (FX Palo Alto Laboratory) and Cathy Marshall (Microsoft), Elli Mylonas (Scholarly Technology Group, Brown University) |
Email: | (C. Marshall), (E. Mylonas) |
Duration: | Full-day, Harrison/Tyler Room |
Level: | Introductory / intermediate |
Expected audience: | Medium (10-25) |
Description: This tutorial is an introduction to eBooks. Presenters will discuss and compare existing hardware (devices such as the Softbook, the Rocket eBook, Palm Pilot, etc.) and their software, document representation formats (PDF, HTML, Open eBook Format, MS Reader etc.), the electronic publishing process, and the future of reading on such devices. A portion of the tutorial will be devoted to an introduction of the Open eBook Format Specification and how to apply it to create documents that can be read on any OEB-compliant reader. The tutorial will conclude with an open-ended discussion about the future possibilities for such devices, focusing on opportunities to overcome some limitations of paper books and documents.
Presenter's bio:
Title: | Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries. Part 1: Structure and use in knowledge-based assistance to users; Part 2: Design, evaluation, and development |
Presenter: | Dagobert Soergel, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, College Park |
Email: | |
Duration: | Two half-days (same day), Monroe Room |
Level: | Introductory [Part 1] , intermediate [Part 2] |
Expected audience: | Medium (19-25) [Part 1] / Small (5-10) [Part 2] |
[Part 1 - MORNING] This introductory tutorial is intended for anyone concerned with subject access to digital libraries. It provides a bridge by presenting methods of subject access as treated in an information studies program for those coming to digital libraries from other fields. It will elucidate through examples the conceptual and vocabulary problems users face when searching digital libraries. It will then show how a well-structured thesaurus / ontology can be used as the knowledge base for an interface that can assist users with search topic clarification (for example through browsing well-structured hierarchies and guided facet analysis) and with finding good search terms (through query term mapping and query term expansion - synonym expansion and hierarchic expansion). It will touch on cross-database and cross-language searching as natural extensions of these functions. The workshop will cover the thesaurus structure needed to support these functions: Concept-term relationships for vocabulary control and synonym expansion, conceptual structure (semantic analysis, facets, and hierarchy) for topic clarification and hierarchic query term expansion. It will introduce a few sample thesauri and some thesaurus-supported digital libraries and Web sites to illustrate these principles.
[Part 2 - AFTERNOON] This tutorial is intended for people who have a basic familiarity with the function and structure of thesauri and ontologies (such as acquired in Part 1 or in previous tutorials). It will introduce criteria for the design and evaluation of thesauri and ontologies and then deal with methods and tools for their development: Locating sources; collecting concepts, terms, and relationships to reuse existing knowledge; developing and refining thesaurus/ontology structure; software and database structure for the development and maintenance of thesauri and ontologies; collaborative development of thesauri and ontologies; developing crosswalks/mappings between thesauri/ontologies. In summing up, the tutorial will address the question of the amount of resources needed to develop and maintain a thesaurus or ontology.
Presenter's bio: Dagobert Soergel holds an M.S. equivalent in mathematics and physics (1964) and a Ph.D. in political science (1970), both from the University of Freiburg, Germany. He is Professor of Information Studies, University of Maryland, where he teaches courses in information retrieval, thesaurus development, expert systems, and information technology, and an information systems consultant. He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Western Ontario, Chicago, and Konstanz, Germany. Among other books, he has authored Organizing Information (1985), which received the American Society of Information Science Best Book Award, Indexing Languages and Thesauri: Construction and Maintenance (1974), and numerous papers. He has developed several thesauri, most recently the Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus ( for which he chairs the advisory committee, and is developing TermMaster, a thesaurus management software package. In 1997 he received the American Society of Information Science Award of Merit.
Title: | How to build a digital library using open-source software |
Presenter: | Ian H. Witten, Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato |
Email: | |
Duration: | Half-day, Wilson Room |
Level: | Intermediate |
Expected audience: | Medium (10-25) |
Description: This tutorial describes how to build a digital library using the Greenstone digital library software, a comprehensive, open-source system for constructing, presenting, and maintaining information collections. Collections built automatically include effective full-text searching and metadata-based browsing facilities that are attractive and easy to use. They are easily maintainable and can be rebuilt entirely automatically. Searching is full-text, and different indexes can be constructed (including metadata indexes). Browsing utilizes hierarchical structures that are created automatically from metadata associated with the source documents. Collections can include text, pictures, audio, and video, formed using an easy to use tool called the Collector. Documents can be in any language: Chinese and Arabic interfaces exist. Although primarily designed for Web access, collections can be made available, in precisely the same form, on CD-ROM or DVD. The system is extensible: software "plugins" accommodate different document and metadata types. The Greenstone software runs under both Unix and Windows, and is issued as source code under the GNU public license. Attendees will receive an extensive user manual and should learn enough to download the software and set up a digital library system. Those with programming skills should be able to extend and tailor the system extensively.
Presenter's bio: Ian H. Witten is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, and directs the New Zealand Digital Library project (where the Greenstone software originates). He has published widely in the areas of digital libraries, data compression, information retrieval, and machine learning. He is co-author of Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images (Second edition, Morgan Kaufmann 1999) and Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations (Morgan Kaufmann 2000), as well as many journal articles and conference papers. He is a fellow of the ACM and of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and a member of professional computing, information retrieval, and engineering associations in the UK, USA, Canada, and New Zealand.
Title: | Hands-on workshop: Build your own digital library collections |
Presenter: | Ian H. Witten and David Bainbridge , Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato |
Email: | (I. Witten), (D. Bainbridge) |
Duration: | Half-day, Wilson Room |
Level: | Intermediate |
Expected audience: | Small (5-10) |
Description: This is a hands-on laboratory-style workshop that follows on from the tutorial "How to build a digital library using open-source software." Attendees will first install the basic Greenstone system (described in the former tutorial) on their own computer. Then they will learn how to personalize its appearance, how to build their own collections, and how to take advantage of advanced features such as interactive phrase browsing. The primary goal is to enable attendees to create a collection of their own material that they bring along to the workshop, and leave the workshop with that collection (and others) installed on a digital library system on their own computer.
Presenter's bio:
Title: | Building interoperable digital libraries: A practical guide to creating Open Archives |
Presenter: | Hussein Suleman, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech |
Email: | |
Duration: | Half-day |
Level: | Introductory / intermediate |
Expected audience: | Medium (10-25) |
Description: The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is dedicated to solving problems of digital library interoperability by defining simple protocols, most recently for the exchange of metadata. This tutorial is aimed at introducing individuals to the concepts underlying OAI and its Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, as well as providing sufficient information to allow attendees to almost immediately implement the standard on their own archives. In addition, attendees will be introduced to issues that need to be addressed when building new systems, either in the capacity of being providers of data, users of data, or both.
Presenter's bio: Hussein Suleman is a Ph.D. student working with Edward Fox at Virginia Tech. His research focus is on topics closely related to matters of interoperability. He is currently funded by NSF to work with the iLumina project ( which is building a federated digital library of resources for science and technology education, incorporating resources from the Computer Science Teaching Center ( This and other projects utilize technology developed by the Open Archives Initiative. He served as part of the technical working group that produced the latest revision of the Open Archives Metadata Harvesting Protocol. In this capacity he implemented the standards on various platforms and also developed and actively maintains the Repository Explorer software that is used by the Open Archives community to rigorously test archives for compliance with the standards.