We're pleased to announce that the Bush award subcommittee has selected a winner for the JCDL '01 Vannevar Bush award. The subcommittee carefully reviewed the top-rated and nominated full paper submissions and chose "Building a Hypertextual Digital Library in the Humanities: A Case Study on London" by Gregory Crane, Clifford E. Wulfman, and David A. Smith as the JCDL '01 award winner. Honorable mention goes to Catherine C. Marshall, Morgan N. Price, Gene Golovchinsky, and Bill N. Schilit, for their paper, "Designing e-books for legal education." Both papers will be flagged as winner and honorable mention in the proceedings.
The list of trips you can enjoy while at JCDL is now available here.
The workshop W4, "Workshop on Digital Libraries in Asian Languages: Accessing, Indexing, and Organizing Digital Libraries in Asia" has been cancelled by the workshop organizers.
Go to the JCDL Registration Page and register before May 16 for discounted prices.
Reviewers are urgently needed to write reviews of computing literature for Computing Reviews, the Association for Computing Machinery's review journal covering computing literature from around the world. ACM is expanding the scope of CR in preparation for launching an online version. At the same time, a number of long-time reviewers have retired, and there is a critical need for people who are qualified to review articles and books in the computing field. If you are interested in seeing your reviews in print (and online), please go to ACM's Web application form at http://www.acm.org/reviews. In addition, please tell any of your colleagues you think might be interested and direct them to this URL.