Q: What audio/visual equipment will be available?
A: There will be two of each of the following available:
VCR and TV
overhead projector and screen
35 mm slide projector
flip chart stand and pad
There will also be PC projectors available, but on a limited basis. At this
time, an exact number is not known. If you are in need of one, please contact
either Chad at cschennu@vt.edu or Heather
at hhessel@ucla.edu
Q: Is there a website where I can check to see how many people
have signed up for my workshop/tutorial/etc.? A: Unfortunatley, there is no website accessible for such information.
However, General Chair Edward Fox's assistant Chad Schennum
(cschennu@vt.edu) will send out periodic e-mails
to the appropriate listservs with updates.
Q: Will there be internet access in the room where I am giving
my workshop/tutorial/etc.? A: Yes indeed, there is T1 access in all meeting rooms being used
for JCDL.